Are you tired of seeing the same old smudges on your home or office windows? Allow regular window cleaning London to change that in mere minutes! We will diligently deal with any dust, dirt, and limescale deposits without interfering with your daily routine. And the more you use our services, the less you'll end up paying:
Keep in mind that the rates above only apply for residential properties. For discounts on commercial properties, we'll need to schedule a viewing first and then calculate your individual rate.
Over the years, we've spoken to many loyal customers to make our London regular window cleaning as convenient for you as possible. Let's take a closer look at our offers:
The answer to this question is closely tied to your surroundings. If you live in a low-pollution area, for example one near a forest or a lake, then you can afford to clean your windows once or twice a month. If, on the other hand, your property is located near the sea or next to a busy road, then salt, fuel fumes, and various hard minerals will quickly rob your panes of their transparency, cause pigmented spots, and promote mildew growth. Thus, experienced window cleaners suggest that you should clean your panes at least once every two weeks to counter the negative effects of your urban environment.
To set your regular window cleaning London session in motion, just pick up your phone and dial 020 3746 2488. Our helpful representatives will immediately guide you through the booking process and offer you a non-obligation quote on the house! Or you can find us online – either use our real-time chat platform or fill in our booking form and we'll take it from there.
Marvin G.
On our street, there is perpetual construction work going on. As a result, our windows remain dirty. We are a financial firm, and having a dirty exterior is unacceptable. Your cleaning crews have done a great job so far keeping up appearances on our storefront.
Jo Ann M.
As a trendy retail establishment, we are required to keep our windows crystal clear at all times, so our window scenes can be easily seen from the street below. Your regularly scheduled cleaning service has been a blessing. Great Job guys!
Mark H.
During a water main break on the floor above us, our walls and windows were coated with muck and grime from the water pouring down from above. Your crew remedied the situation in under an hour, and your response time was impressive.
Mike P.
After the recent heavy rains, our windows had collected the industrial grime of the surrounding neighborhood. Your crew cleaned our entire office building in a decent amount of time. Thanks!